Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
C. S. Lewis

Sunday, February 14, 2010

If you don’t Jump God can’t catch you.

A good friend of mine worded it like that to me this evening, is it comfort to me? I don’t know yet. A flood of fear, doubt and uncertainty has attacked me these past few days. Something to be expected I suppose but at this stage nothing has managed to calm the nerves. My entire life I have planned as best I could, lined things in order and always had enough money to cover life’s little surprises. Now I have stepped out from the shelter of my self sustaining life and am relying on God (something that does not come so easily for me). I can look at all rational arguments placed before me and they are all logical and all suggest I am heading in the right direction, but it still has not comforted me. It’s a very nervous feeling but on the upside if I look back over the past few months of my life the battle playing out in my spiritual world has been savage. Many conversations arising about Faith matters with colleagues, friends and family are a great source of encouragement coupled with the de-motivating parts of life that get in the way and I have no doubt that some of these things are from the devil himself trying to strike me down as I venture out to change the world and the lives of people I come in contact with.

This post is a little heavy on the God stuff for some of my “followers” (sounds like I'm starting a cult) but I make no apology, this is what I live by, you should try it on for size.

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