Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
C. S. Lewis

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Today I depart for Nelsons bay and had thought I would be Blogging about the up coming trip but I find myself distracted. Several weeks back I committed to buying a ticked to the Broadway musical known as Wicked.

The last time I sat in a live Musical performance that was not held by my high school was over twenty years ago. I distinctly remember as a small child not knowing what was happening, simply displaying behavior similiar to a small kitten, clapping and cheering and loud noises, gleeful songs and bright lights. As a result I had this misconception in my mind that I struggle to keep up with the story line of musicals. In hindsight this is mildly ridicules as keeping up with a Gilbert and Sullivan performance is hard at the best of times but when your five years old its dam near impossible.

I was pleasantly surprised as I sipped on a twelve dollar cocktail and ate my six dollar packet of M&M's that I not only was able to keep up with the story line of the Musical but that I really did enjoy it.

I enjoyed this for two reasons. The first was the number of people attending. My sister had organised this event through the church and had over forty people attend. A combined event with people from all aspects of the church community came together, People from Cube, Neon, Musical School and the church congregation. This was fantastic to see.

Secondly was the musical itself,without spoiling the plot or the sheer awesomeness of the show I will try and do it some small form of justice here on my blog.

Any form of entertainment is successful when you as the viewer are sucked in, your subconscious believes for a small period of time that you as the viewer are there experiencing what the characters are experiencing. I'm no professional in the arts but I feel this is done by by playing on your emotions and senses.
I believe that a musical is even harder then a film to get the audiance to that point of believing they are there experiencing it but this musical does it. You walk out of the theater and you find yourself shocked that people aren't breaking out in song or leaping around the room like idiots.

An amazing set that would have taken hundreds of man hours, costumes, hair and makeup that would cost a fortune, visual effects, life size dragons and surround sound all made this performance amazing, coupled with an amazing story line, brilliance comes in many forms but to think up a story line that surrounds a childhood classic as solid in history as the Wizard of Oz yet does not damage the classic story in any way is pure genius and I would highly recomend it to any one, even if your not a musical person, its well worth it.

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