I have waited a while to blog about this one because I was waiting for the photos to turn up on the Kidney Health Australia website and they are now finally up. In August i spent close to two weeks traveling five thousand kilometers across this beautiful country via dirt roads. I was an entrant in Kar 56 in the 2010 Kidney Kar Rally.
The event is a fundraiser for Kidney health Australia and attracts car enthusiasts and more predominately rally enthusiasts from across the country who all unite in raising funds for Kidney Kids Camps which are held for children aged seven to seventeen who are effected by Kidney Disease. Each year this amazing group gets together and competes across the country all in the name of Fundraising for this fantastic cause.
In 2010 the rally started in Swan Hill Victoria in mid monsoonal weather and saw the next two weeks take us through South Australia, The Flanders Rangers, up into Queensland and then back into NSW. The rain made this event interesting and added to the experience of camping in a swag.
The Rally barley touches the asphalt roads and takes us through days of off road, waterlogged, groat trails and country dirt roads. The Rally is taken seriously with many vehicles crashing, rolling braking down or having other sorts of issues all of which add to the experience. Each Vehicle is fitted out for the ordeal with roll cages, navigational equ
ipment (for the co driver) four point harnesses and the beloved orange flashing light to name a few. Teams have to build and fund the vehicles themselves which makes the fundraising that much more impressive as I estimate each teams minimum set up costs to be around $7 Grand per car.

In 2010 the combined efforts of all the competitors and fundraisers raise $500 thousand. And Im proud to say i was part of that.