Experience: that most brutal of teachers. But you learn, my God do you learn.
C. S. Lewis

Saturday, March 6, 2010

The most challenging discussion to date

Towards the end of my trip to Bathurst I felt the trip had achieved little in the way of changing the world for God. I was not expecting to achieve wonders on trip one but was still hoping for events to occur that would give me confirmation that I was heading out into the world with the correct approach. I had a few small mentions of what I was doing in my travels and what’s motivating me with people I met but had not had a real heart to heart with anyone and no real seed planting opportunities. That was until Mark and Nicki came over for a BBQ late in the trip. Mark and Nicki are friends of mine from way back and Mark was one of the blokes who established the car club back in Sydney with me many years ago. Whilst mark talked cars with the other blokes some serious God stuff went down with Nicki who was not so much exploring my faith but was more curious about my “in depth knowledge of it” she seemed to enjoy having and educated discussion on something and it did not seem to matter what it was about. Motive does not matter to me, I still got the good stuff out, one hopefully planted the seed. I will however admit that having heavy discussions on such matters is easier when you have not sunk a few beers at the BBQ.

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